The following are organizations of and for professionals working in the accessibility field. Also included are industry associations relating to accessibility issues.
The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)
IAAP “… is a membership-based organization for individuals and organizations that are focused on accessibility or are in the process of building their accessibility skills and strategies. The objective of this association is to help accessibility professionals develop and advance their careers and to help organizations integrate accessibility into their products and infrastructure.”
Note: IAAP is a subsidiary of G3ict.
G3ict – the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies
G3ict’s “… mission is to facilitate and support the implementation of the dispositions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on the accessibility of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and assistive technologies. G3ict relies on an international network of ICT accessibility experts to develop and promote good practices, technical resources and benchmarks for ICT accessibility advocates around the world."
The Association of Computer Machinery’s (ACM-SIGCCESS)
SIGACCESS “… promotes the interests of professionals working on research and development of computing and information technology to help persons with disabilities. Our diverse membership is interested in the design, development, evaluation, and scientific investigations of technologies to support individuals with disabilities.”
The US Business Leadership Network (USBLN)
USBLN “… helps business drive performance by leveraging disability inclusion in the workplace, supply chain, and marketplace. The USBLN serves as the collective voice of nearly 50 Business Leadership Network affiliates across the United States, representing more than 5,000 businesses."
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA)
RESNA is a "… professional organization dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of people with disabilities through increasing access to technology solutions. RESNA advances the field by offering certification, continuing education, and professional development; developing assistive technology standards; promoting research and public policy; and sponsoring forums for the exchange of information and ideas to meet the needs of our multidisciplinary constituency."
Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)
ATIA is an "… organization for manufacturers, sellers and providers of assistive technology (AT)—products, equipment and systems that enhance learning, working and daily living for persons with disabilities. We are the global leader in education and research for the assistive technology industry."