The Accessibility Switchboard is a project of the National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute with support from the Maryland Department of Disabilities. Developed by NFB and Accessibility Track Consulting, LLC, with help and support from the Community of Practice member organizations.
The objective of the project is to generate new, freely available resources—guides, and other articles—for readers who want to bring about changes to their situation, and changes to the organizations they work in.
The resources are designed to include actionable intelligence that is based on proven success stories (case studies) provided by the community of practice members and related initiatives. The guides build on past work in the field of access to technology by including pointers to existing books, websites, webinars, online training courses, and other resources. All guides and articles are free to copy and share under a Creative Commons license (see details at the end of each guide/article).
If you are interested in participating/partnering in the development of new content, and joining our Community of Practice, Contact Us.
You can also join our mailing list for news, announcements, and periodic content updates.
About the Accessibility Switchboard Logo
Our key aim with the Switchboard website is to provide connections to existing resources that can be used to help make Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) accessible. We do this with guides and other articles that broadly introduce concepts and then provide links to more in-depth coverage of those concepts, as published by others working in the accessibility and related fields. The logo features phono style sockets in the letter b of the words 'Accessibility' and 'Switchboard'. Underlining the lettering is a wire with phono plugs at each end. The logo ties in with the switchboard style tool, used on the home page, providing direct links to ICT accessibility information in various categories.
Linking to the Switchboard
Anyone can link to the Switchboard, the guides, articles, or the Community Of Practice. We have suggested link URLs and images for this purpose: